Thursday, April 2, 2015

Microsoft Hololens: Making Fantasy A Reality

Ever since technology began advancing quickly in the 21st century, the world has been fascinated with the idea of the physical and digital world coming together as one. This was an idea that could be seen in every futuristic movie and tv show from the past 40 years. More recently, even video games have dived into experimenting with this exciting trend (Xbox Kinect, Oculus Rift, and many other gamer favorites).

This year, Microsoft announced the impending implementation of Windows 10, possibly the most ambitious version of their operating system to date. What makes this new version of Windows any better than its predecessors? Simply put, the exciting possibility of making the world's futuristic fantasy become a reality. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Microsoft Hololens:

Beyond virtual reality: Microsoft Hololens (Microsoft)

When Worlds Collide

What defines reality? Does reality consist of what we can see, hear, touch, and alter however we choose? The dictionary defines reality as "the state or quality of having existence or substance." However, this simple definition can become complicated when the things that exist right in front of us aren't really there.

Right now, as people sit at home watching their favorite shows, they can pick up a remote and change channels, or press buttons on the tv with multiple functions. In this world, physical actions translate into physical changes.

So what happens when, through the power of Microsoft Hololens, any surface can become your personal television? No remote controls, no buttons, no screens, cords or cable boxes. Suddenly, the reality we all know and love has been augmented to allow you to enjoy all the entertainment of tv, without the tv.

To Infinity And...
Technology that will push limits above and beyond: Microsoft Hololens
Created on Wordle

Fortunately, the possibilities don't stop there. Video games, business meetings, tutorials, and, eventually, even teaching (dreams do come true!) can be enhanced and improved by the technology powering Hololens. Imagine, being able to stay in your warm, comfortable home and turn it into a virtual classroom, fully equipped with a professor and all the learning materials you would ever need.

Instead of reading about molecules or surgical operations in a book, people would actually have the ability to see and alter DNA strands, or virtually practice before performing a kidney transplant. With Microsoft Hololens, the possibilities are truly endless.